Echo - Q&A
Echo is an anonymous Q&A app where you can dive into the fun of asking and answering questions anonymously. Ask your friends anything, from silly to serious, without revealing your identity. You can even send voice messages with your questions—your voice will be encrypted so it sounds completely different, giving you that extra layer of anonymity.
Stay connected with your friends by following them, anonymously commenting on their answers, liking their responses, and watching their stories. Take it further by answering questions with creative stories, adding photos, text, and more to personalize your replies.
Echo also features a unique dating section where you see people’s recent answers right away, helping you get a sense of their personality before even chatting with them.
To join the Echo community, simply upload your personal Echo link to any social network and start receiving questions from your friends. Let the anonymous fun begin!
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More links
IOS https://apps.apple.com/ua/app/echo-q-a/id6692633678?l=ru
VK https://vk.com/app52425080
⚡️ Claimed by developerFindMini.app is not responsible for any of the apps in the catalog. Using this app you take your own risks.
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