Сlicker game case review: profiting off TMA monetization with customizable advertising

While looking for options to monetize TMAs as a mini app owner, it’s perfectly normal to have doubts regarding placing ads. Would the advertisements suit the app interface? What if they aren’t and that alienates users? Focusing on these points is more than reasonable, but with one exception — what if all of that has already been considered and worked through somewhere?

RichAds Publishers team revealed how mini app owners can customize ads in their TMA projects for higher profits by a case review of a tap-to-earn game monetization with over $18k in revenue!

How TMA owners monetize their projects with RichAds by publishing ads

RichAds claims to be among the first to launch such TMA ads, instantly providing mini app owners with an opportunity to join as an ad publisher and monetize. The advertising format itself seems a lot like in-page ads, hovering above the screen as a small banner.

Now, let’s see what it takes to become an advertising publisher at RichAds and what benefits it might offer to mini app owners.

  1. Projects of any size are applicable. Literally any TMA can apply for becoming a publisher at RichAds, no matter how many subscribers it has or monthly audience it gets.

  2. Payouts exceeding the market’s average. Publishers get paid every two weeks, starting from $0.015 for every click on the ad in their mini app.

  3. Seamless integration without back-end interference. No additional documentation or back-end developer assistance is required.

  4. Internal advertisers base with automatic ad rotation. RichAds offers a huge advertisers base operating worldwide that has been building up for seven years. No more negotiating with every advertiser personally as the ads appear in mini apps according to set targeting parameters.

  5. Customization according to preferences. Ads can be customized to match the preferences of mini app owners: from favoured position and appearance of the ads to the frequency limit and allowed products.

Customizing ads for profitable Mini App monetization with RichAds: a play-to-earn game case review

Without further ado let’s dig into the details of the reviewed case and see how ads customization impacted the monetization of a Telegram clicker game in Mini Apps!

TMA monetization case review by RichAds: initial information

While looking for promising projects in TMAs for potential partnership, RichAds Publishers team stumbled upon the tap-game and decided to contact its owners. According to the clicker game’s team, they never considered monetizing their project before, so RichAds’ offer to become a publisher and get revenue for placing ads seemed pretty interesting to them.

While discussing the monetization possibilities and clarifying preferences, RichAds team received the basic details on the Telegram clicker game:

  • Audience size — approximately up to 1.5 million monthly users;

  • Primary geos — Europe (DACH, Western Europe, CIS);

  • Allowed products — all (including online casinos with official license), except for 18+ content;

  • Expected duration — up to 3 weeks.

Customizing the ads according to preferences

As the TMA’s team had never dealt with monetization by advertising until that moment, they wanted it to be as native to their application’s interface as possible to keep user-experience intact. Agreeing to get a personalised integration code to tune-down the ad exactly how the mini app owners wanted, RichAds thoroughly gathered all the preferences.

Eventually, according to what the clicker game’s owners seemed the best, the advertisement in their app was adjusted by:

  1. Ad banners’ format — to be more adjusted to the app’s interface and functionality;

  2. Placement — as initially ads were moved to rewards section as a part of motivated strategy while the banner itself got more to the center of the screen;

  3. Colour and font styles — to better fit the app interface;

  4. Ad renewal frequency — to prevent from disturbing users it was set to a new banner each 8 seconds.

Monetization results

After applying all the discussed conditions to advertisements in the app, it was successfully integrated into RichAds Publishers’ platform as a traffic source. The duration of the monetization test running was agreed upon 2-3 weeks, while the expected average revenue per click was estimated to be between $0.015 and $0.025

At first, the play-to-earn game’s team expected to make at least $5k over the testing period, considering the minimum revenue per click and audience coverage. But in fact, the numbers turned out more than surprising — an income of $18,357 in just 20 days!

How is that possible? It’s pretty simple — the customization process the advertisements in the app went through placed them in the perfect position to accumulate leads. As the traffic source was demonstrating stable high performance, advertisers at RichAds started competing for prioritised placement in the app by increasing the bids. Thus, the payouts to mini app owners grew accordingly, resulting in a shocking $0.0227 average revenue per each click!

By the end of the testing period, the average daily income from the monetization was exceeding $900, covering all the possible means to support the further TMA project development and new users acquisition!


So, if you could monetize your TMA with customizable advertising and be sure everything is under your control, wouldn’t you consider this option as a mini application owner? Well, everything is right here, while the integration process for Mini Apps at RichAds takes just a couple of minutes!

Don’t second guess your chance to profit off your project and join RichAds as an ads publisher right now!

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