Полное описание
Magiton is an epic magical adventure where you become a wizard on a quest to recover a legendary sword. The evil sorcerer Aldazor has hidden the sword behind one of a thousand magical doors, each leading to unique worlds filled with challenges, traps, and hidden objects. Explore these mysterious rooms, find concealed artefacts, solve puzzles, and avoid illusions to bring the lost sword back to the Mage Guild. Embark on this mystical journey, full of secrets and dangers, and become the hero who restores balance to the universe.
In Magiton, each day, two mysterious rooms open up for you, where you must find 20 magical items within 1 minute. If time slips away too quickly, use powerful hints or freeze time through the Magic Shop.
Room Types and Rewards:
- Magic Rooms: 1000 $MTON tokens for the first room, 1500 for the second.
- Mage Rooms: 2000 $MTON tokens for completion.
Rooms are randomly generated, and each mage has their own unique path. Tokens can be earned through:
- Login bonuses.
- Daily rewards.
- Inviting friends.
- Completing rooms and quests.
Don’t forget, in the Magic Shop, you can purchase hints, stop time, or open new doors to achieve success. Your magic is limitless! ✨
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